The Darndest

Someday, I’ll wish I’d written down the funny things my kids say. So, in order to avoid the pang of regret, I’ll keep track of them here:

September 2011:

Anna: Mommy and daddy are married.
Me: That’s right. And are mommy and daddy happy?
Anna: No. You’re married.

David: Anna, you’re crazy!
Anna: I’m not crazy, I’m beautiful!

Me: Anna, who taught you how to be sweet?
Anna: David

Anna to David: I’m not a boy. I don’t do dishes.

Me: Anna, who taught you how to be cute?
Anna: David
Me: And who taught you how to be funny?
Anna: Baby Erica
Me: And who taught you how to be smart?
Anna: Catherine

Me: Anna, that makes mommy very mad.
Anna: Don’t get mad, get glad!

October 2011:

Curtis: Look at the pretty sunset Anna.
Anna: Yeah, God made it for me.

Anna Singing Taylor Swift:
“Kiss me on the sidewalk, kiss me on a boat…”